Granada Arab baths center

Granada Arab baths center



Off and relax in the most complete Arab baths Granada

All circuits include tea, juice, fruit and chocolates in the rest area. You only need you to bring your bathing suit. Flip-flops and towels we give you us.

Arab baths in Granada center

Thermal circuit

Basic + massage 15 min. Complete the basic circuit with a relaxing massage treatment to be fully effective.

€ 40 per person. Duration 90 minutes.

Cheap banos arabes Granada

Relax circuit

Basic + massage 30 min. If you want a more lasting massage after the basic circuit this is the best option.

€ 50 per person. Duration 1 hour and 45 minutes.

Arab baths in economic Granada

Special Circuit love

private session for 2 people with an hour water circuit, massages of 30 minutes each and youngest child of cava. In this case you only you would be on the premises and staff of the Baths for atenderos.

180 € the pair (check availability).

To book is better to do by calling us at +34 958 806 377 or Whatsapp +34 618 996 804 and so we will confirm availability.